fredag 28. mars 2014

Rasicm in Korea??

Today I wanna adress a new topic, which I should not maybe speak about. Thankfully there is not many people who I know, know about my blog. Sometimes I feel like my worst mistake in my life is going to Korea. I know many people say there is no kind of rasism to white people, but I just wanna take a second to tell you about my experience in Korea. 

First of all, I wanna tell about my university. I been a student here for now two years. Guess how many friends I got? I got one female friend. Guess her nationality? Not korean. Since I started to university here I learned fast that koreans in my class did not want foreigners to join their activities.  Whenever there is a event where students get to hang out and know each other, foreigners are not invited at all, or if they are they will speak korean all the time even if they know english fluetly and lived most off their life abroad. I study international studies and all should be in english, 1000% english. But even the office which should know english give out all the important info we need in korean, and say we should learn korean, Which I understand, but kind of hard when everyone ignore us.

I now been here for 2 years without making any friends. I tried really hard my first year here, but I gave up. Some koreans wanted to spend time with me on the campus. But even then some korean professors told the koreans to not hang out with me, because I'm not korean, and most likely dangerous and criminal. From that time I knew no one wanted to hang out with me.Professors even said out loud in class that all white females with blonde hair is super stupid, while all my classmates looked at me knowing he was right. ?
We also had the debate in class why Korean is better or different than other countries. All agreed on one thing. Korea has "pure blood". Meaning that there is no foreign mixed people in Korea, something they are very proud of. But actually 1/5 koreans are mixed, mostly with other neighbour countries.

When Im out and about I often get the question if Im a prostitute or not. Old man wanting to take me home with them. Like all white females are prostitutes. Here, if you are not korean woman, you are a sex object and you love having sex with random boys and getting paid. 

Not to forget to mention. One time I got hit with the fist by a random Korean man because I was not same race. I was walking home from school, all alone, when this korean guy spotted me, and started to walk against me. I though not much about it, but two seconds after he punched me really hard. I did not know what to do. Should I be angry at him and yelling or hurry home ??? I decided to ignore it and hurry home. It did hurt. But I was to shocked to do anything about it, and I was to close to home anyway. So I hurred with the man following right after me. 

Other than that I have been told by people in public to get the fuck out of their place, to get the fuck out of Korea, to die etc. Or old people looking  But at this time Im used to it. I'm used to people calling me bad things, I'm used to people discriminate me. I have had korean guys break up with me because I did not have the right skin.I know I will not be able to get a job here, I know I'm not from the right country. I know I'm dangerous and spreading some dangerous illnesses (Foreigners are carring AIDS with them) I know my boyfriend when he says I should get used to it, but I know I should never let people talk trash about me..

I just want to show this video very quick. Its a video shown by biggest tvchannel in Korea MBC. Its a story about how dangerous foreigners are for korean (mostly foreign guys and Korean females). "Victims of foreigners".  I find this video tragic because it shows mostly footage from district in Seoul with many foreigners, which are in weekends a drinking place. They film guys hitting on Korean females, and say that all foreign guys are taking adventage of Korean females, raping etc. 

This photos is taken from a korean humor show on tv. Many find "black face" humor to be funny. I have also seen kpop stars doing the same thing, like Big Bang G-dragon. I'm not saying every person here finds "black face" humor funny, but showing it on tv shows its wrong.

But It's of course not only white, dark skinned have problem here. Many Korean discriminate other asians. Like Chinese or Japanese. Many Chinese have problem and get bullied alot in school by other students. Chinese are seen as animals and criminal by many students. I remember one class, we had a chinese student who fell asleep during lecture. Professor said out loud that he is a typical Chinese, bad behavior, Chinese can't behave like humans etc. I was shocked listning to my professor talk out loud in class about him while he fell asleep. It's scary how someone who is a professor can behave like this at a university.
I also remember when the tsunami hit Japan. I had some Korean friends at that time who wrote on facebook that they were happy, and "Yey! They deserve it. Die!" and so on. I'm not friends with them anylonger. Many Koreans also boycot Japanese products or brands. It was also on the news, "Boycott everything Japanese!", while filming they burning japanese products. Also on big national tvchannel.

Other than that. There are also people who are curious about foreigners, but maybe not in a bad way.  Like people commenting my nose, asking if its real or fake (got taller nose), that my nose is so pretty and tall. When I had long blonde, curly hair (my natural hair is supercurly) people tended to touch my hair in the subway, mostly older females touching my hair without asking, it's kinda awkward, but it did not make me upset or anything. I guess they are just curious. Its hard to see so curly hair here.
But I remember when I was out with one of my best friends, she left Korea some years ago (miss her so much). She is from Kenya, so her skin is dark. When we took the subway together it happend a few times that people wanted to touch her skin, and rubbing their fingers against her arms and looked at their fingers after(seeing if any color came off?). Touching my hair is one thing,but rubbing someones skin is another. Thankfully my friend is the sweetest girl ever, and she just laughed it off.
Children are also very curious about foreigners. Its normal for children to say "mommy, mommy, look its a foreigner!!" But, I think Korean children are super cute. So I mostly reply them with "hello!" and a smile.  

I just wanna end this entry saying that regardless of what I've seen I don't hate being here. Korea has also gave me some of the most happy times also. Korea are still not so used to foreigners compared to other countries. Just recently people have started to come to Korea, and to travel here. Going on vacation in Korea is fun, It's a good place to travel. I think this issue will be better with time, now that Korea is starting to become more popular to travel and live. Compared with 2009 when I first came here, I have already started to see more immigrants here. Maybe it will still continue to improve and become more openminded in the near future.

onsdag 26. mars 2014

A date with my boyfriend

Last Saturday me and my boyfriend decided to go somewhere new to eat dinner together. Lately we have not been out and having fun together, most staying inside our home everyday. This day my boyfriend suggested that we should go somewhere else to eat dinner. The weather was great, and Saturday, so why not?

We decided to go to Hyehwa, not too far from out place. Maybe 20 mintures by subway? Hyehwa is very good for haning out and drinking with friends. So if you are in Seoul and bored of Hongdae, go to Hyehwa.

 This is how Hyehwa looks like on a busy Saturday night. Many young people out to have some fun. Its in a university area, that explains all the drinking places and shopping places in this main street.
But me and my boyfriend were too hungry to even think about shopping. So after walking this street for about 10 minutes we had to find a place to eat before dying.

I really felt like eating pizza, so we found this cute little Italian restaurant, don't remember the name, but the pizza was really yummy. We choose ham pizza as seen above. 
 We also drank beer to our dinner. Look at those cute beer glass! It looks like a jamglass or something, right? 

After finishing our pizza we went back to the mainstreet to take another walk, so full we had to walk it off. But on the street I found cotton candy! I love cotton candy, not so much for the taste, but mostly because it's so cute! Even if being very full, I got my boyfriend to buy me pink cotton candy. Super happy!

Also found a old man selling candy on the street, 3 different onces for 1000 won. Very cheap. These candy are "old" candy, the kind of candy my boyfriend ate when he was a child. I chose 3 different onces and brought them with me home for later.

Cotton candy and candy was not the only thing being sold on the street, but cocktails also. I love these kind of bar on the street. Would never find something like this back in Norway. I did not buy a cocktail this time, but I have done it before.

Im really addicted to hat these days. This summer I will be better at using cute hats as accessory. I would love to buy the pink one in the middle, but no money, buhu.

Cute cellphone covers anyone??? One thing I love about Korea, is all the cellphone accessories! My phone has never been as fancy as in Korea. If you go here, be sure to buy alot of stuff for your phone.

After eye shopping in the streets of Hyehwa for a long time we decided to go back to our place. On our way back home we wanted to take a drink, its Saturday night, so we need a drink! 
I wanted fruit soju so we went to a Hof bar. Hof bar is a place where you get your own private place to sit with your friends while you eat and drink to you vomit. 
We ordred fruit soju, like a soju cocktail. I chose kiwi, and yoghurt flavor. While drinking we played a guess number between 1-50 game. One person thinks of a number, like say, 23. The other person get to guess 5 times, if person are able to guess he /she wins and dont have to drink, the other person with the number must drink. Or if loosing the looser must drink.  One of the few drinking games I'm able to play here in Korea. Most korean drinking games are too hard for me. They either consist of numbers, or rythem. Which I both suck at. Why do you have to be smart to play a drinking game? Then its no fun. (Ok Im blonde...)

Thats how we ended our super romantic date, like two drunks. Here we have our yoghurt soju, and an extra bottle of soju to make it stronger. You know you have been here to long when you want to make drinks stronger with soju. 

tirsdag 25. mars 2014

Anime Marita

My friend made a drawing of me, cute right?? Must find a way to make it my header for my blog. Love it. Thanks 

fredag 21. mars 2014

Bought a new friend

Because I'm quite lonely I bought myself this new friend in Hongdae. Now I'm not the only pink hair girl, I will bring this friend with me everywhere. My new bff

torsdag 20. mars 2014

A walk in Hongdae (picture heavy)

Did some shopping and coffee shop visits in Hongdae yesterday with my swedish best friend. Thought I would share some of the photoes I took. Enjoy

 Went back to Hello Kitty Cafe to drink a Cafe Latte

 Hello Kitty photoes on the wall of their coffee and desserts 

 Hello Kitty Chairs

 Hello Kitty huge doll

 The wall outside the toilet

Wall Hello Kitty Hole decoration

Hello Kitty cakes

Hongdae main shopping street


New cap for summer?? Love the "Coco told me to do it" cap 

YOLO- You Only Live Online. Story of my life

 Love alternative styles in Hongdae

 Entrance to a store. Looks like club entrance right?

 Hallway to store, UV lights and dico lights with a sign " follow the music" 

The eyes are watching you

 Seoul is Culture

 Went to flower coffeeshop for our second coffee round

And lastly, ate world best Macarons. Sakura flavor, Strawberry and Chocolate/Caramel flavor. YUM.

Go to Hongdae for hidden treasures.

mandag 17. mars 2014

Workout Monday, Exercise Videos And Lipo Update (Again!)

Finally Monday and a new week right??
Sadly, since yesterday I've been sick. Think I'm having a small cold. Mostly my eyes and nose are watery, but it could be alot worse so I will not complain too much. Guess my sitting outside in Hongdae park Saturday night is the reason while I'm sick today. 

But even if I'm sick I can't help to do some exercising, but not too hardcore, just enough to make me tierd and some strenght exercise. Only few months left before summer right? 

I of course use pink clothes while exercising. Pink everything! Feel work out is alot more fun when wearing pink from top to toe. I'm also wearing face mask inside because my apartment is super small, like a hobbit house, don't wanna make my boyfriend sick also with my bacterias all over the place. I'm also sure some light exercise will make my become better sooner than if I'm just lazy watching youtube all day. 

Talking about youtube, I would like to show everyone my favorite youtube exercise videos. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there wanting to become more fit for summer, so I will share to you my best work out vidoes on youtube.

My favorite is Pump It Up. Its cardio exercise with some strenght at the end. I love this video because it's superfun and the music is great! Remember the hit song "Call on me?" a few years ago? The people behind the music video made this awesome work out video also. It will make you sweat, but still its very fun and don't feel like exercise at all. But you will feel like dying at the end!

I also love this user. She makes new fun vidoes like "Twerk exercise". So if you are bored with the same old work out Dvd's this girl have some very fun onces to try out. Dance, twerk and become fit. 

One of my other favorite youtube trainers. Her videos are fun doing, sadly she don't have that many vidoes yet, but those she have uploaded are great. Check her out

And at last Blogilates. I'm sure many know this girl already as she is becoming more famous. I love her vidoes for abs.  If any of you need inspiration for strenght exercises or want a flatter stomach make sure to see her vidoes. 

This is list of some of the vidoes I use when I work out at home. It's still some to cold for me to go out running, meanwhile I will keep watching youtube vidoes. 

This is my current stomach after the lipo I had some over a month ago. The swelling is almost all gone. I can feel my stomach is some swollen in lower part of the stomach. But it will take two more months to see a final reasult. So till then I will keep trying to get a more toned stomach, keep exercising and eating healthy. I can still feel some discomfort when exercising, my nerves in the stomach are trying to recover after surgery, but compared to just few weeks ago it's now alot better. This year I wanna buy a bikini. Thats my goal for the next months, work out, eat right, feel sexy! 

Hope my videos are helpful for someone out there. Join me and try to get more toned for summer!

søndag 16. mars 2014

Norwegian Meetup and Hongdae~

Yesterday I enjoyed my saturday night going to a norwegian meetup here in Seoul. And it was superfun! I stayed out all night to 8 in the morning before I went home. 
Before going to the meetup I told myself to just stay out for two hours and go home before subway stop running. But I guess you can say my plan didn't go as planned. 

When I first got to the meetup I was surprised over how many new norwegians that was at the meetup. I've been to meetups before but this time it was many new faces, and new girls! I always want more female friends here in Korea, so I got super happy to finally see other norwegian females here in Seoul I can hang out with. 

We met up in a chicken place to of course eat chicken and drink. We drank mostly Soju and beer. A night starting with Soju is always a wild night. 
We drank there for around two hours before the group wanted to go to another place. Some ended up going to Gangnam, some went to Itaewon, and me and another girl decided to go to Hongdae to meet up with some of her friends there. 

Her friends did not pick up their phone when she called them so we were not able to locate the bar we were going to meet them at. We wanted more to drink so we decided to go to Hongdae park to drink outside while trying to figure out where the bar is. We bought some Soju, some snack and a weird drink looking like coke but tasted like coffee. We were supposed to buy Fanta, got no clue how we ended up with that weird tasting coffee soda drink.

While sitting there drinking a korean guy came over and asked if he and his friends could come and sit with us, he lost a part of a drinking game and had to ask some foreigners to hang out with them as a punishment for loosing. After talking with them for a while we asked them if they knew where the bar is, and yey they were able to show us the way.

At the bar I met many new people, and I tried to play beer pong for the first time in my life. I must say I'm a talent at playing beer pong. My first time and I won like a pro. Maybe I'm good at throwing balls when I'm drunk on Soju? 
I don't know how long we stayed at the bar, but I guess it was some hours. Time went really fast, and we had to leave the place because they were closing. When you are out to a bar close in Korea it means its getting very late, probly morning.

Before going home we went to norebang, karaoke room to finish the night with some singing. I love norebang, I never say no to go to a norebang even if it's early morning after being out drining all night. I'm never too tierd to sing. 

My saturday night was a big success. I met new people, made new friends, ate chicken, went to Hongdae, drank in a park, played beer pong for the first time in my life, sang at norebang and moreover, I tried Taco Bell for the first time in my life also before going home. Being out to 8 in the morning goes super fast in Seoul. Nightlife in Seoul is super fun. I always tell myself to go home early, but I always end up staying out all night. Even today when being sick I decided to stay out all night. Back home in Norway I'm wild and crazy if I stay out to 4 in the morning. Guess Korea have made me more hardcore.

fredag 14. mars 2014

Happy White Day!

I would like to take a second to tell all females out there Happy White Day!

For those who don't know what white day is, it's valentines day for females on 14th march. Normal valentines day here in Korea females give present to guys, mostly homemade chocolate or chocolate bought from convinience store. One month after, it's the guys turn to give back to the female, which is today. One month after white day, is black day. Where single meet up to eat black noodles together, feeling sorry for being lonely at valentines and white day.

My boyfriend gave me present on guys valentines one month ago, chocolate flowers. So this time he didn't give me any chocolates, but I bought for him instead. We do it the other way around, we are special. 

But even if he did not give me chocolate this month too, which I think is okay. He took me out for dinner. His dad sent us some money to enjoy white day together. So we chose to eat out favorite food together, Gamjatang. 

Gamjatang is seriously super awesome. And whoever wanna visit korea in the future must try this dish.  Its spicy soup with pork ribs, potatoes, vegetables and other yummy stuff in it. Pretty much all things I love in one dish.

 Just looking at this picture of the rib make me wanna go one more time to eat! So tender and nice.

And the perfect combination for Gamjatang is the korean alcohol Maehwasu. Maehwasu is plum flavor. Its not so different to soju, but much sweeter and not so strong taste. It's a better drink to first try before soju when arriving in Korea. And moreover, when eating spicy korean food it's perfect combination. My nose goes crazy with eating Gamjatang, but with Maehwasu I can enjoy my favorite food even more.

All in all, my white day has been pretty good. I've enjoyed my free time, dinner time, together with my boyfriend. Eating good food, drinking good drink, talking, having fun together. What more could I ask for? I would rather have a peaceful meal than getting chocolate.

Do you have any similar day in your country?

torsdag 13. mars 2014

Diet experience in Korea

I guess most females, or maybe not most, but some females in my age don't feel confident in their body and wan't to loose some weight through dieting. I'm also one of those females. As you have read in my previous enteries in my blog I did liposuction a month ago to get rid of my flabby belly. But before I did liposuction I tried my best to loose weight in Korea. 

I have read many places that many foreigners coming to Korea loose weight of eating korean food. Well, I gained weight when I came to Korea. As a student in a korean university It's hard to find food on camus that don't contain alot of carbs. 90% of the food contain mostly rice, or ramyeon or something that is not good for dieting. Back in Norway I tried to avoid carbs as much as possible. But here at least during lunchtime its not so easy. I mostly try packing my own lunch with me, but sometimes I forget. 

Also. I'm living together with my boyfriend, which means I eat dinner with another person. It's so much easier eating non-healthy things when not eating alone. 

Well. I know this is not good excuses for not eating healthy. But I have tried and also I did exercise many times a week. Even when loosing weight through exercise I could not loose my stomach weight, which was so annoying. So I decided to try out korean diet program. I found a page on facebook for a diet clinic here in Seoul and I decided why not try it. 

I made an appointment at the clinic to speak with the doctor and to weight myself. The clinic itself was very modern and pretty. They also have had some famous people who have done diet there. So I felt confident this clinic could help me loose weight fast and safe. It's also known for foreigners when the doctor and staff can speak well english.

The doctor checked my weight and problem areas and told me I should loose 15 kg. To be honest I'm not really sure if I did need to loose 15 kg to become normal weight. My BMI was already on normal weight and I was not fat to start with, maybe curvy but not fat except my stomach. But I did agree to start the diet program, desperate for a slimmer body and the bikini body I have never had.

The program made me drink 3 herb medicines 3 times a day. Before breakfast, lunch and dinner. And also before going to bed at night take some pills. The herb drinks tasted aweful. First day I drank my medicine was at school during lunch. I had to drink a whole big bottle of water to be able to swallow it. It made me feel sick. My friend asked me if I were okay because my face looked blue. I said I did fine, but had to go to the bathroom to pee. I did not pee. I vomited for 10 minutes and my whole body was shaking after for one hour. Feeling sick after drinking my medicines lasted for some weeks up to one month before it got better. I decided to not give up this diet easilly. The pills I took before sleeping is a whole other story. Belive me when I say, these pills are a killer. The pills gave me bad stomach cramps. I had to breath through pain at school and run to the toilet because I had diarrhea. I had these problems every day, for the whole time I did this diet. Except from the pills and drinking herbs I of course had to eat only healthy and not alot. My dinner was around 200 calories, which is not healthy at all and most things I was not allowed to eat. Even things I've learned are healthy like fruit or fish was a hugh no-no. I also exercised everyday or every second day. 

I did this diet for around 5 months, and I spent alot of money and pain to loose weight this way. But when you are in Korea, wanting to diet or loosing weight in a bad way is the normal way. I remembed I told my boyfriend I did not loose weight enough as I wanted. He just told me to quit eating. I already ate only 600 calories a day plus exercise.  He told me not eating is how korean female does it, so I can do it to. And having eating problems here are not eating problems, it's successful diet.

I would not to this diet again, and I would not tell other people about where to do this diet. I lost alot of weight all together. But thinking back on how sick I felt for 5 months, how much my stomach was hurting, the cramps was so bad, having to be careful not to go anywhere without a toilet, hard to meet friends, count every calorie, being told by doctors I did not try hard enough even if I almost did not eat and sick everyday. No way. This would be madness back home in my country, no doctor would let normal weight people do this diet. But me, having struggled with my weight for many years it's easy to listen to whatever people say, at least doctors.

Oh one fun story, or maybe not fun, but embarresing maybe. I went to my boyfriends hometown to go to his parents house during while I was on a diet. Beforehand I was of course nervous how I could not feel shy to use their bathrooms or whatever. During dinner with his whole family, my boyfriend started to explain my diet for them. And how I had diarrhea everyday, that I always had to go bathroom and so on. Great subject for dinner with parents-in-law you don't know well right? and of course they all talked about my toilet problem like it was the most normal thing in the universe. Its so funny because koreans are shy sometimes when it comes to body functions, like talking about female stuff like periods or what not. But talking about toilet problems its totally ok.

These days , even if I did liposuction to my stomach, I still trying to loose a little weight. But I'm doing it by myself, and I'm being healthy. I exercise, eat healthy and normally like other people do (expect those korean females my boyfriend was talking about). 

I got my own pretty exercise bike. Hello Kitty bike which I bought on Gmarket. It super cute and just the design of it makes me wanna use it all the time, moreover it was not expensive at all, like 100,000 won! I also make my own food, not going out too much and I try to eat lunch at home and not on school if I don't have too.

One extra bonus photo. Only in Korea= Diet water. Yes, diet water. Low calorie water. I mean, don't  people know that water contains no calorie? if not, I guess I'm not the one being bad at dieting.

Soon weekend

One day left before weekend! 
Photo taken last sunday at a dessert coffee shop in Hongdae. Mint Strawberry Ade and a yummy strawberry cake. This is why I love spring. So many new drinks and desserts based on strawberry. I love strawberries! And one more day left to weekend, so I can go out and enjoy more new drinks at coffee shops. Yum.

mandag 10. mars 2014

Short hair = feminine?

Before my semester started a week ago I went back to my favorite hairdresser here in Seoul to fix my hair to look fab for my first day back at school.
I already had short hair but I decided to go even shorter. Those who know me know that I love experimenting with different hairstyles and mostly change my look many times a year. The idea of getting short hair for the first time some months ago was very sudden and something I did not plan before my visit to the hairdresser. I just went for it.

I was sitting in the hair dresser chair after bleaching my hair from brown to blonde and my stylist asked me if I also wanted to cut my hair. I wanted to say no as always, because I'm afraid of shorter hair and I wear extensions almost everyday. But for some unknown reason my mind was thinking "Hell no" but my mouth said "Yes. Sure!". No clue why I said yes, but because I did not prepare myself for a haircut I had to find one really fast. I was looking through a gossip magazine and the first photo I found that looked different and okay-ish was this photo of Ashlee Simpson having a short bob. So short bob I got.

I walked out of the saloon looking like this, (a look-alike of my brother) blonde and lot shorter hair then I had when I entered the saloon two hours before. I spent most of that day looking myself in the mirror and letting my fingers run through whatever of hair that was left on my head. 

My boyfriend came home, yes I live with a Korean guy (taaaaboooo in Korea), and he got shocked I had cut so much of my hair off. He did say that he really loved my short hair. But also he called me "his little boy". 

This got me thinking. Does short hair = toyboy or not feminine?. Well. I must admit that if you told me few years ago that I would go short, I would laugh and told you nooo way that will ever happen as long as I live. It seems like short hair belongs to (no offense) non-femine females that don't wanna look like a female, tomboys, lesbians, woman over 30 year old, moms of 2 children, that girls my age should have long beautiful hair. At least in the "city" I'm from I almost never see any females my age that have short hair.  But after I moved here to Korea I've seen more female looking fab in shorter hair styles. That even singers or actresses have short hair also. I can't think of many celebrities back home with short styles that are not middle-aged women. Maybe being hair for two years now have changed my look on how I view fashion and what is pretty or not.

Having had short hair now since before christmas, I have getting used to not having as long as before. I have even get used to not wear my extensions everyday. I feel pretty without having to have hair down to my waist. 

Thinking it through there are many posetive sided of having shorter style than long hair.

1. I still look like a female. Despite how many people have told me, or how many times I read that females should have long hair to look feminine, I think this is wrong. With my short hair I feel I have grown from a girl to more of a woman. I can look more grown up and sexy without feeling cute and innocent as I do with my longer hair. 
2. Boys do like short hair also. It maybe is true that many boys do like female with longer hair more than those with short. But saying that all guys like long hair is wrong. Take my own boyfriend as an example. He compliments me when I go out with my short hair. That I look pretty and unique. 
3. I can still style my hair differently. Even with my hair now, I can curl it, let it be straight, add volume and all those different styles I also did when I had long hair. 
4. Styling my hair takes shoerter time than before. Take blowdrying as an example. Back when I had longer hair my blowdrying took almost an hour. Not only because of the lenght. But also because of my curly hair. Now I can fix my hair in 20 mintues and it becomes straight of blowdrying, I do not need a hair straightner after blowdrying.
5. Perfect for summer. Living here in Korea during summer with long hair is what I would call horrible. Its so humid its crazy. Long hair get sticky and always make you sweat (at least for me who is a foreigner for a colder country). Not having long hair here during summer will at least help me feel a little less warmer, and make me hopfully sweat a little less also. Remember last summer when I were walking outside, I have to hold up my hair when walking sometimes because I could feel the heat under my hair in the back and how I almost started to sweat under my hair. Not very pretty or comfortable. Itchy!
6. I can wear more makeup. This maybe sounds weird. But I feel I can pull off more extreme makeup looks without it becoming too much. If I got my long hair or extension and I decide to do more extreme makeup looks I tend too look more slutty, if thats the right word.
7. I can wear more sexy clothes. Same as with makeup. I don't look as a bimbo as before If I decide to wear something sexy for a night out.
7. I can show off my ear accessories!
8. Fixing my hair cost less. This is great! At least for someone as me who loves coloring hair. One box of my pink hair color can last me for many times. Not needing two boxes for one time as before. Money saved! 

Money saved means I can experience and keep my haircolors longer than before. Since two months ago I started to color my hair pink, as already seen in my previous enteries. 

This is now my current hair from my last trip to the hair dresser a week ago. It's a little shorter than seen on the photo above. I love the combination of short hair and cotton candy pink color. It's a cute combination. And moreover, I can tuck my hair behind my ear and show off all of my earrings easily. Why have 8 holes in my ear if I can't show them off?

I guess the whole conclusion of my entry this time is that I feel feminine with short hair. But I do understand that many girls decide to keep it long. For me, when I first cut if off I felt naked, like something was missing. And I also felt more chubby when my hair did not cover my face and shoulders any longer. Going from long to short is a big step, its a brave move as a female.  Some might feel insecure, afraid to look like a guy, afraid guys might not like it, maybe mom or grandmother saying that females should have long hair or other issues that we short hair females hear all the time. Thankfully I got a mom that love it, and a boyfriend that prefer my short style.

If awesome,funny,charming, all loved Jennifer Lawrence can do it, so can you!

Would you go short? 

Fun fact = In Korea I've heard from friends that korean females cut of their hair after a breakup with their boyfriend. Star over again with a fresh start.